I Am From Poem

I am from bright lights and big stages

From music filling my life each day

I am from Wednesday nights at church, the fun that never ends

I am from iPhones and Instagram, that seems I can’t live without

From photography and editing, that I love too much

I am from stormy nights that make me sleep on the couch with my dog, scared to death.

I am from “try harder” and “GET OFF YOUR PHONE,NOW”

From the loads of decorations my stepmom is always putting up

I am from the move that changed everything, the phone calls that always lose service

These memories stashed in iPhoto albums, taking up too many “gigglebytes”

But will be forever there, due to iCloud

I am from Danielle and Kevin’s branch

The root that is stomped all over, but still supporting the tree

2 Comments on I Am From Poem

  1. Mrs. Kriese
    December 9, 2013 at 10:56 PM (10 years ago)

    Your poem is beautiful. Very powerful. The last five lines especially moved me…wow.

  2. jessieam
    May 9, 2014 at 10:24 PM (10 years ago)

    This is a really moving poem. I can relate to it on so many levels. I, personally, think that this poem is so amazing.


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